League News

MLS Twitter "en francais" for Montreal Impact's CONCACAF Champions League finale


Let's face it: We've got #CCLFever and we’re all in on #MLS4Montreal.

Because, you know, the Montreal Impact are facing off against Club América in the second leg of the CONCACAF Champions League final tonight.

In honor of this massive day for the players and fans of l'Impact de Montréal -- not to mention the rest of MLS -- we're going to add a little français to our Twitter game on @MLS.

We’re men and women of our word, so we’re doing it (with a little help from our French friends). And we even have some handy phrases, should you want to join in sur le Twitter:

  • Good luck, Montreal! = Bonne chance, Montreal!
  • Go, Montreal! = Allez, Montreal!
  • Ball = ballon
  • Goal = but
  • Assist = passe décisive
  • Magnificent = magnifique
  • What a beautiful strike = quelle belle frappe
  • Amazing save = un arrêt spectaculaire
  • Nutmeg = petit pont
  • Great tackle = beau tacle
  • Perfect pass = une passe parfaite
  • Playmaker = meneur de jeu
  • Corner kick = coup de coin
  • Header = tête
  • Halftime = mi-temps
  • Goalkeeper = gardien
  • Yellow card = carton jaune
  • Red card = carton rouge
  • Extra Time = prolongation
  • Penalty kicks = séance de tirs au but
  • Trophy = trophée
  • Scarf = écharpe

#MLS4Montreal, mais oui!