League News

Letter from MLS Commissioner Don Garber re: Wednesday's postponed NY-DC match

Letter to the fans from MLS Commissioner Don Garber

Editors note: The following is a letter from MLS Commissioner Don Garber regarding Wednesday evening's postponement of the New Yok-D.C. United playoff match.

To: MLS Fans

I want to apologize to all of our fans who were impacted by our decision last night to postpone the New York Red Bulls v D.C. United playoff game at Red Bull Arena.  Many of you made great sacrifices to attend the game and we let you down.

Based on the weather forecasts earlier in the day, we believed that we could still play the game.  As you know, soccer is played in inclement weather and we have cancelled very few games in the history of the League.   In this case, however, we underestimated the severity of the storm and its effect on our ability to play, and ultimately the enormous impact it had on our fans who traveled to and from Red Bull Arena.

I have heard from many of you about our decision to wait until after the scheduled start time to postpone the game and I know that many of our fans believe that we should have made the decision earlier in the day or even the day before.  In retrospect, I wish we had.  Although I believe that our intent in trying to preserve the ability to play the match was well meaning, in the end we would have better served our clubs and our fans by making the decision earlier.

I can’t change what happened, but I can acknowledge when we make mistakes, even if we were well intentioned.

All of us at Major League Soccer have worked hard to earn your trust and support.  You can count on us to continue to work tirelessly to retain it as we build the League.

Thank you,

Don Garber, MLS Comissioner